Study bird "Cul Roig"
La cotxa fumada (Phoenicurus ochruros gibraltariensis ) is a very abundant bird in Catalonia. According to the last published atlas of passes between 35,981 to 69,959 for couples ¹ the breeding season to between 457,893 to 688,537 individuals ² winter. It is clear therefore that in winter, Catalonia receives a population center / north European abundant, as evidenced few recoveries of birds obtained through the ringing of the species. Thus, there is good information on the phenology of the different European populations, nor know the existence of any distinguishing features in regard to biometrics, color, etc.
The change is limited to the two subspecies common in Europe (only one officially recognized), among which can be found overlap in some parts of central Spain. In Catalonia, the subspecies found mainly Po gibraltariensis just like in Europe. regardless of any event of the subspecies aterrimus (not yet recognized as a subspecies), most common in Portugal and central and eastern Spain.
One of the most curious and scarcely studied cotxa Fumada, consisting of two different populations morfotipus youth fall. So you can see a young male individuals differentiation of adult plumage new traits called "paradoxus" and another completely different called "cairii" that presents no distinctive feature in its plumage and that Therefore it is hardly distinguishable from the plumage of the young females. This is a very poorly studied.
The limited literature toward the black redstart, and the difficulty of obtaining information by ringing recoveries obtained by the few, have led This study, entitled: Study Birding "Cul Roig" given the local name of the black redstart, called "Cul Roig" in Terres de l'Ebre.
Project Objectives
The project objectives are as follows:
- Determine the cause of the coexistence of two morfotipus plumage of male specimens in the first calendar year paradoxus and cairii (ie, if this is given by avoid rivalry and confrontation with the adult males).
- Studying the margin of error in the determination of sex in morfotipus cairii, compared with a genetic determination of sex of individuals.
- study the extent of the move, especially in morfotipus paradoxus.
- analyze the difference in intensity of color of breast specimens for future comparisons with the color of adult females.
- Study design rectriu 6th. There will be a picture of the size of all 6enes rectrius scanned to make Comparisons of extending the black spot. Also allow us to analyze the curvature of the pen.
- detect the presence of black feathers in his beard according morfotipus.
- determine the possible variation in size between the sexes.
- determine the presence of other subspecies than gibraltariensis , and especially of the subspecies aterrimus in Catalonia.
- Collect different local names in Catalonia.
- Determine if phenological differences between subspecies and populations.
Timming Project
Sinceproject objectives are quite ambitious, the timming planned to conduct the study period is 5, while representing 6 calendar years. So the beginning of the field campaign is planned for the autumn / winter 2012/2013 and the end, therefore, for autumn / winter 2017/2018.
should be aware that something is completed, and other information gathering, given that the innovative proposed method is expected to be obtained information actively to at least four or five years after the end of field work, and this is a true statement unknown.
Station Ringing "The Turret" La Rąpita.
Terres de l'Ebre host areas of great ecological importance. El Delta de l'Ebre, one of the largest wetlands in Europe, is a resting area for thousands of birds that stop there during their migratory trips, and a breeding territory for many unique species, some endangered. Also find sites for wintering birds, such as the black redstart.
In contrast to this landscape of marshes, the Ports of Totosa-Besse are species of Mediterranean mountain. And amidst two nature cough is Montsią a wealth of ecological Rąpita most valuable and at the same time one of the most unknown.
midst of environmental resources as the magnitude of the natural parks, areas rich in native flora and fauna, such as the turret, go completely unnoticed.

Images area where La Torreta carried out bird ringing sessions since 2,002, now! Japanese networks for passerines.
Since 2,002 is conducting a basic study of the birds of La Torreta in Sant Carles de la Rapita by ringing isolated events. These sessions were carried out ringing in the grounds of the turret, located at the rear of the turret (northwest), and within the private estate owned by the author study located in the southeast face of the turret.
Capture systems and obtain information remotely.
model station ornithological study is intended to perform, is a bird banding station, characterized by the use of different types of trapping mechanisms for capturing birds and other mechanisms to attract birds to make recovery information by reading distance without having to capture them, as are the rings of PVC passerines.
Motivated by the lack of existence of water points in the area of the turret, and because the private estate where they carried out the study,
created an artificial water point in the year 2,007, now a large part of the population smoked Winter Car of the study area, will see the pick mentioned water. Much
and that to date, this water pick has been a major attraction for capturing Cars smoked through a network of ground.
Given that water pick is less than 6 meters from the house, and it has large windows with views to the pickaxe, from the
completion of this study, it is not going to catch more birds do with the network of land, but to be used as a tool for reading the rings by recording images
video or photos.
at the level of attraction of birds on the roof of post is very superior and facilitate the arrival of more rental units Smoky has undertaken a transformation of roof planting trees and plants designed to attract the birds, and the installation of several different feeders species.
Plant species planted are:
Pittosporum tobira .
It has become a barrier with 10 large pots to isolate the area of the pick of the street and give the birds a lot more privacy and therefore feel more secure when
go see or eat. Its characteristic and lush evergreen all year, we can have quite a habitat visited throughout the year.
Vitis vinifera.
A large vine, gives an important attraction of insects, especially in summer. For the period of the study is expected to serve only as a perch to catch up before
go there to see or eat.
Cercis siliquastrum . Two large plants that bloom in the summer attracts many birds. For winter is expected to serve as perch thick.
Vivurum tinus . Two plants that like the Pitsoporum, keep the leaf all year, and provide a good place to eat insectivorous species, the abundance of insects among the leaves.
Nandina domestica . Its characteristic shrub facilitates both its role as pole place to find food easily.
Morus alba . A species of trees that attract summer when the fruit ripened. In winter is expected to be a very good perch.
Cydonia vulgaris . This is a quince, which attracts birds for its characteristics throughout the year.
this adaptation of the roof and attract many different species of birds, the volume is expected to attract the black redstart, is very higher than previous years, which in itself was already quite high.
In any case, not being able to use the network of post ground water to catch the black redstart, a problem is presented to capture all individuals are expected to study, so we carried out alternative methods of catching birds like:
- Network for passerines . During the days of catching birds, 10 networks installed 12 meters in different locations around the roof of post. Try to change the location of the networks ringing every day, to avoid the impression reminder of birds, both of which have been captured as those who have not captured, but they have found the existence of the network.
- Leaf springs . They placed 10 crossbows with mealworms every day catching birds.
networks for passerines methods employed to attract black redstart claims through the use of songs, although according to the experience of the author, during the winter, the efficiency of the claims is very low. It is planned to use different songs to try to attract further birds.
the alternative formula for attracting Black Redstart on the roof of post water is placed in a second pick to eat. The bait which will be mealworms Tenebrio molitor alive in some cases and in other dehydrated.
Study procedure
As a general rule will follow the following items:
- S'anellaran up to 180 birds each period.
- Each period will change the colors of the PVC rings to determine the year of the catch has been made regardless of whether or not reading correctly.
- S'anellaran copies freshman calendar age 3 or 5, depending Euring code, and preferably morfotipus paradoxus , but also a s'anellaran Fewer adults, both male and female.
- All birds that are recaptures from previous years, and therefore already have a metal ring placed by the author will always PVC ring.
- metal ring is placed on the left leg and PVC in the ring right leg.
- recaptures and readings of the color ring distance should be detailed with GPS positioning to perform the displacement maps.
- In all cases morfotipus cairii will likely determine sex, based on criteria coloring small coverts. (Most likely very little reliable, but because they enjoy reading more to compare results.) In this regard, it will create a range of colors, and in all cases morfotipus cairii An Analysis of the intensity of color of the breast based on a color chart.
- remove the 6th rectriu to scanning. Trying to keep the pen as unchanged as possible regarding the Bįrbula. Is scanned with feathers carried out a pattern of differences between juveniles and adults.
- Analysis beard in order to find small black feathers in cases morfotipus cairii.
- In the event that you can get a karyotype of the black redstart, will be carried out in blood for analysis to determine the sex of the individual. The technique of extraction will be evaluated by a veterinarian skilled in birds.
The data obtained will be:
day of ringing data
- Number of metal ring
- PVC ring code
- Shape capture
- Check capture
- Age
- Sex
- Morfotipus (In case of juveniles)
Biometric data
- Measure folded wing "Maximum rope."
- Measure primary feather P3
- measurement tarsus.
- Measure black / dark rachis 6th primary.
- Length of 1st primary towards the primary coverts
- Determination of the wing tip (the longest primary)
- Determining the position of the second primary between the other primaries.
- Extension feathers with the hemibandera external recess.
- length of the recess hemibandera external 3rd primary.
- peak height in the area of the feathers.
- measurement tip (Cr and feathers from home.)
- Study discretionary formulas eave.
physical state data
- Weight
- Fat
- Muscle
File dumb
carried out in some cases, even with special emphasis on morfotipus paradoxus .
Photos and video
- No
- Pit
- full length
- Tail open
- Hang open
- Back
- Beard
- belly and butt.
Special data
fetch new section is the determination of a color code iris of the eye, based on 5 colors in different shades of brown. To universalize these data have been selected the 5 PANTONE colors listed below, and based on the following code:
- Code 0: No data.
- Part 1: Pantone 419 M.
- Part 2: Pantone 440 M.
- Part 3: Pantone 412 M.
- Part 4: Pantone Black 4 M.
- Part 5: Pantone 4625 M
attached a letter codes pantones with different codes.
comparing the colors to be used in a range of colors printed with pantones placed in a climb, as shown in the attached letter codes.
order to make a correct measurement of the color of the iris, while maintaining the same light source is used a magnifying glass and large backlit photography is performed through the optical lens, and without using flash to record color as real as possible.
The data obtained are presented in the form of code and a sample of color in the public database search
pioneering system of data collection remotely.
The basis of the study is to capture the birds and the placing of a ring of PVC part of passerine metal ring with the sender (rings issued by the Catalan Society of Ornithology) .
These rings arePVC alphanumeric and allow remote reading with binoculars or telescope.
Making rings and codes were made exclusively for this study, and are registered in the portal
European level European Birding Color-Ring under the web-birding . org
is the agency responsible for the control of the projects carried out with rings of color and alphanumeric.
Although there is no evidence of similar studies with PVC rings for passerines in Catalonia, it has been checked that there are several projects march across Europe with this kind of rings and passerines of similar size.
procedures prior to the start of the study, was the European project registration portal, in order to ensure that there is no similar project underway throughout the community Europe. The final result was satisfactory, as the project has allowed us to register on the portal. You can view the project at the Internet address:
Diffusion study
regard to data recovery, distinguishing between two possibilities. The recaptures or to pick their own readings and interpretations of recovery or third in Europe.
when the recaptures own installed a surveillance camera is activated by motion, just the opposite pickaxe for that records all the birds that flock to see. The tests carried out before the start of the study with different species of birds have been more than satisfactory, as and as can be seen in the "videos" portal . Unfortunately, we do not know if the camera will have enough quality definition, so you can make a reliable reading of the rings. The results of the tests carried out, we should suggest that change the quality of the recording, and is still perfecting the system. We doubt the viability of the recording distance and passive means such as This surveillance camera is crucial to obtain a large number of readings for each day.
The days of field study, is expected to record the birds they see on the pick with a video camera from inside
household, which ensures reliable reading of PVC rings. Unfortunately, activation of the recording must be done manually. Regarding the recording system, have been in
out various tests with different species of birds to check the quality of the recording and positively loved reading an alphanumeric ring will be completely viable.
Regarding the readings provided by other ornithologists and amateur European Internet portal has a chalk , easily found through search engines and can be accessed in different languages in order to facilitate the transmission of information from reading completed.
All data capture and readings taken with any bird of the project, and even the Black Redstart ringed by the author of the study from in 2,002, are entirely and easily accessible from the public Internet portal. With recaptures or reading distance journeys will run via maps google maps with received data. To achieve a large number of readings was carried out a series of actions over the internet
- Recording 5 domain internet easily indexable by all search engines:
- E-mailing. We carried out an e-mailing to all stations in different languages ringers who forwarded the information to the existence of the project and Internet portal for all ringers and ornithologists are possible in countries where the readings and recaptures the rings of PVC.
- social networks. Within Facebook, there is created the / phoenicurus where we publish all the news related to the project and informing the new readings to occur.
- social campaigns. It will create an advertising campaign with banners attractive and forwarded to all portals and websites consulted by European ornithologists and amateur ornithology in general.
Collaboration external study
part of this study, but in the hands of thousands of birders and ringers that provide readings of PVC rings alphanumeric created especially for this project. That's why here calls for the active collaboration of people interested in this species by sending quanta Information is deemed appropriate, either with text, images, etc.. We appreciate all the cooperation received.
Since this study does not seek any profit that aims to be a leading educational research open to everyone, we appreciate all contributions made in the study are entirely altruistic. The author agrees at all times to identify the source of information from technical papers, books and the Internet, provided that the record is expressly publications consulted, and in terms of images and videos published.
Team study.
Project Manager: Joan Antó.
Technical advice: Sergi Sales.
Veterinary coordinator: Francesc Vidal.

¹ Estrada, J., Pedrocchi, V. Brotons, L. Herrando & S. (Eds.) 2004. Now! Breeding Bird Atlas of Catalonia 1999-2002. Now! Catalan Institute of Ornithology (ICO) / Lynx Editions, Barcelona.² Herrando, S. Brotons, L. , Estrada, J., Gull, S & Anton, M (eds.) 2011. Now! Bird Atlas of Catalonia in winter 2006-2009. Now! Catalan Institute of Ornithology (ICO) / Lynx Editions, Barcelona.